Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Family Table

In this morning’s sermon we considered how the gospel of the Kingdom reorders our lives by placing us in a new family. When folks come to Jesus telling him that His mother and brothers were outside, He looks at His disciples and says, “Here are My mother and brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.” And likewise He looks down upon you gathered for this feast and He says, “Here are My brothers and sisters and mothers.” Having responded to the gospel of the Kingdom with the obedience of faith, you have been constituted the house and family of God. And beloved there is nothing more important to life and health of family than the family meal. In recent years countless studies have shown the family that eats together is stronger, healthier, and happier than those who allow the family meal to fall out of the family routine. And this common sense observation regarding the earthly family holds true when we consider the family of God. The table that is spread before you is our family meal. And the family that shares this meal together will be stronger, healthier, and happier than those who allow this meal to fall out of the family routine (read liturgy). Sharing a meal together is one of the most potent rituals in human life. Nothing else that we do together conveys a sense of belonging the way that a meal does. Coincidently that is why it is so utterly important that our children come to the Table with us. That’s why Jesus was always sharing meals with people. And it’s no wonder that sociologists and cultural anthropologists are finally catching up with Him. Beloved, this is your family meal. In receiving you to this Table, God the Father is saying that He accepts you as His sons and daughters through your elder brother the Lord Jesus Christ. You are his brothers and sisters and mothers! Therefore come to the Table He has spread for you!



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