Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Heaven Reopened

This morning we saw how one aspect of the work of Christ involved “the reopening of heaven.” We saw how Mark connected the tearing open of the heavens with the tearing of the firmament veil in the Temple. Through the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the people of God are given access to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly Temple. This is perhaps the central identity and vocation that you are given by baptism. In baptism God sanctifies you, makes you holy, in other words, He makes you a priest. And under the old covenant the priests were those who could pass through the firmament veil into the Holy Place. Everybody else had to wait outside. And even then only one the priests, the High Priest, could pass through the second veil into the Most Holy Place, and that only once a year. But by the sacrificial and atoning death of Jesus, the veil is torn and heaven is reopened. This old covenant form of graded holiness is done away with and we are all constituted priests of God. That is the truth portrayed at this Table. Here, we are all brought near by the blood of Jesus to share a heavenly meal. In the covenant renewal liturgy and most fully here at this Table, heaven is reopened. Together we pass through the heavens in union with the Lord Jesus Christ and come into the presence of God. This Table is the fulfillment of your baptism. So come and feed upon the body and blood of Christ by faith. Do so knowing that His body and His blood are the means by heaven has been opened for you. And rejoice because the same God who was well pleased with His Son, is pleased with you and accepts you because of His body and blood. You belong to Him by baptism and thus He is pleased to feed you at His Table. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!



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