Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Describing vs. Defining

This morning as we baptize Trevor Christian we should be mindful of a helpful distinction; the distinction between the descriptive and the definitive. There will be any number of physical and personality traits that will describe him. If he’s anything like his parents, he’ll probably be tall and have dark hair. I’m sure you could easily envision him having a good sense of humor and being outgoing, perhaps even outspoken! But these traits – “tall,” “dark,” “good-humored,” “outgoing” – would only describe him. They would tell us what he is like, but not who he is. Our physical or personality traits describe us, but they don’t define us. Our identity is not to be found there. But beloved what takes place here this morning will define him. For in baptism an identity will be conferred upon him. Whereas his appearance and personality will tell us what he is like, his baptism will tell us who he is. This morning Trevor Christian will be marked out as a Christian belonging to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And as a Christian he will have the calling to live and as one who has died and risen with Christ. It’s quite fitting, then, Trevor and Christina, that you will be calling him “Christian.” I exhort you to bring him up to find his identity and purpose in Christ. Bring him up to know that what describes him is to be put into the service of that which defines him. As parents it is easy to focus on our children’s gifts and abilities (what they will do) to the neglect of their character/identity (who they are). Bring him up such that every time he hears his name, he is reminded of the identity that God gives him this day. And brothers and sisters in Christ, I likewise exhort you to come alongside the Davis’ and encourage them in this calling. Never allow young Christian, or Trevor and Christina, to forget who he is in Christ. Always be reminding him that regardless of what he is like, what is most important is who he is: a Christian who belongs to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!

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