Thursday, January 22, 2009

Seeing Jesus

In this morning’s sermon we saw how the invitation to “come and see” Jesus is connected to Jesus’ presence, where He abides. Like the summons to follow Jesus, the invitation to “come and see” Jesus is first and foremost a challenge to be with Jesus. And beloved if we would see and be with Jesus, then this Table should be the central event of our lives. For here with the eyes of faith we see Jesus, His body broken and His blood shed. And here He has promised to be with us. For as Paul says in 1 Cor. 10:16, in partaking of this bread we commune with body of Christ. And in partaking of this cup we commune with the blood of Christ. When you and I “come and see” Jesus at this Table, we come to the place where we are seen and transformed by Jesus. It’s pretty hard to commune with the body and blood of Christ and go away unchanged. Here at this Table we are, in the words of David, searched and known and tried by God. And if there is any wicked way in us, He will root that out and lead us in the way everlasting. But you see we need not fear the searching gaze of Jesus because He not only searches and knows us, but also loves us. And the Father accepts us on the basis of His body and blood. Therefore you should rejoice to “come and see” Jesus here in the bread and wine. For these are the signs of your acceptance – the memorials of Jesus’ death for you. You belong to Him and this is the way He has appointed for you unto everlasting life. So beloved, “Come and see.” Come and be seen and transformed by your Savior. He loves you and accepts you and delights to be with you.



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