Monday, March 23, 2009

Put Your Trust in the Lord

In this morning’s Gospel Lesson we will consider John’s account of Jesus clearing the Temple near the beginning of His public ministry. In going after the Temple Jesus was targeting the primary symbol of Jewish identity. Under the old covenant the Temple was the cosmic center of the universe. It was the earthly dwelling place of God, the locus of sacrificial worship, and the center of political influence. Sadly, at times in Israel’s history the symbolic importance of the Temple became an end in itself and the people began to put their trust in the Temple, rather than Yahweh. For many Jews in the first century the Temple had become nothing more than a talisman, a symbol obligating God to bless and protect Israel. And we can so easily do the same with the symbols of God’s presence with us (Word, Sacraments, Prayer). We’re tempted to think that simply by doing these things God is somehow obligated to bless us. But when we do this we turn the means of grace into ends in and of themselves. When Israel began to trust in the Temple rather than in Yahweh, the Temple had to be destroyed. Even so when you begin to trust in your church attendance, devotional practices, or even the sacraments rather than in Jesus Christ, God is not pleased. You are gathered here this morning, not to force God’s hand, but humbly to receive His grace. Your trust shouldn’t be placed in anything we do here this morning, but rather in who Jesus is and what He has done for us and for our salvation.



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