Monday, March 23, 2009

Cross and Table

Well this morning we’ve seen how the way of Jesus to the cross has set down both the pattern and basis for our way of the cross. And it is this pattern and basis that we proclaim and celebrate here this morning. For as you pass the bread and proclaim, “My life for yours,” you are proclaiming your willingness to follow Christ in the way of the cross. You’re saying that even as Jesus laid down his life for you, even so you, out of love for Christ, as a result of His gospel, and in accordance with His Word, even so will lay down your life for your one another. You’re saying that just as Jesus denied Himself and took up His cross, even so will you. And yet as you pass the cup and proclaim, “Christ’s blood for your sins,” you are proclaiming your failure to do so. Only Jesus has denied Himself and taken up the way of/to the cross in perfect obedience. And it only as His blood makes you clean that you will be able to follow Him in this way. What would you give in exchange for this bread and wine?



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