Monday, March 23, 2009

Move it!

This morning we will consider the summons to follow Jesus in the way of the cross. This sense of movement is central to the Gospel of Mark leading one scholar to call Mark “the gospel of The Way.” Indeed, the Church itself was simply referred to as “the Way” in Acts. This is all quite fitting given the fact that Jesus referred to Himself as “the Way.” But this sense of movement is mostly lost on us, particularly those of us in the Reformed tradition. For us Jesus is at best a person to be studied or still worse a proposition to be affirmed. Sure one of the propositions we affirm is “Jesus is Lord” and so we’ll even throw around expressions like “the obedience of faith,” but I’m concerned that we do all of this while still firmly planted on rear ends! The Lord Jesus Christ, however, has laid down a way that is to be followed, which requires closing our books every once in awhile, turning off our televisions and iPods, and actually employing our bodies in advancing His kingdom. You can even see this movement within the liturgy this morning. As the Lord raises you from your knees in confession to your feet in consecration; and again from your seats in communion to your feet in the commission/benediction; he is training you in the basic movements of life. The Christian life is not static and impersonal, but dynamic, personal, and engaging. So as the Lord engages you this day in Word and Sacrament, be sure to respond by engaging the world for His sake. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!



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