Monday, September 8, 2008

Where does your help come from?

In the second of the Songs of Ascents, the psalmist directs his eyes to the hills and asks the question, “From where does my help come?” He answers his own question and confesses that his “help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” And this confession was of vital importance to Israel’s ascent to Jerusalem. In making their ascent the people of Israel were to direct all of their attention to the maker of heaven and earth for he alone was their keeper, or guardian. You see when Israel looked to the hills they saw a lot of other sources of help, for there were many counterfeits that promised them help in distress. Many idolatrous shrines were set up on the hilltops in Palestine. Thus their looking to the hills involved a renunciation of these counterfeits and a confession of their faith in the Maker of heaven and earth. And in heeding the call to worship this morning, in making your ascent to the Jerusalem above, you likewise must set your minds and hearts upon God, from Whom your help comes. There are many counterfeits out there, other gods who would summon you to come to them for help. Whether the idols of sex, money, and power, or drugs, alcohol, and self-help; they are all counterfeits. The Triune God who has made and is now remaking the heavens and earth, he alone is your keeper, your guardian. He has not promised that the path will be easy, free from conflict and distress. No, he’s told us that the gate is narrow and the way is difficult that leads to life (Mt. 7:14). It’s filled with potholes and fraught with danger; the times are evil. But each week we rehearse our basic response to all that assails us in this life as we fix our eyes upon Jesus. He alone is your guide, leading you in paths of righteousness and granting you refreshment of soul in the means of grace he has given.

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