Monday, September 8, 2008

A Table of Maturity

In this morning’s sermon we considered Paul’s warning not to submit ourselves to Jewish regulations. His reason was that in union with the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have attained maturity. The Old Covenant period (from Adam to the cross) was the period of humanity’s childhood, but the New Covenant period ushered in by the death and resurrection of Jesus is the period of sonship, or adulthood. This movement to maturity is depicted in the meal spread before us. We see the movement to maturity in the sequence of bread followed by wine. Bread is for children, whereas wine is for adults. As one has put it, “Bread is alpha food, wine is omega food. You eat bread to strengthen you for the day’s work and you drink wine to rest and celebrate the completion of work.” In the OT priests were forbidden to drink wine during their service. This is because the priests were actively engaged in their work; they were standing to serve and their work was never finished, thus they never sat down. This is why Jesus refused to drink wine while finishing his priestly work on the cross. You see in the OT wine is always held out as the promised blessing that comes after obedient, faithful labor. Thus following his long years of faithful service in the building of the ark and proclamation of righteousness, Noah plants a vineyard and drinks of the fruit of the vine. And it is for this reason that we are now able to drink wine in God’s special presence, because Christ as the great high priest has completed his work and taken his seat. He instituted a feast of bread and wine in order that we might recline with him and celebrate his finished work. Therefore enjoy this feast in the company of God’s family! Rejoice in the work that Christ has accomplished for you! Receive the blessing of bread and wine and be glad of heart!



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