Thursday, July 31, 2008

This is why we're here!

This morning we considered the meaning of the term “church,” particularly in light of its OT background. We learned that it described the people as summoned, or assembled for some purpose. In the example I used from Dt. 4:10, they were to assembled as a church before God in order to hear his words so as to fear Him and teach their children. And we certainly still assemble as the church for that purpose. Yet, Paul introduces another purpose for our assembling. In 1 Corinthians 11 he rebukes the Corinthians because when they “come together as a church” (v. 18) they are divided and factious, and thus he forced to conclude, “when you come together in one place, it is not to eat the Lord’s Supper. (v. 20)” Underlying this negative statement stands the positive teaching of Paul that when the church comes together it is to eat the Lord’s Supper. Sharing in the body and blood of Christ constituted at least a, if not the, primary purpose of the assembling of the church. We read of them participating in this feast quite regularly in the Acts of the Apostles, at the very least on the first day of the week, if not daily. It is one of the practices to which the church was devoted along with the apostle’s teaching, fellowship, and the prayers. The breaking of the bread defined who they were as believers in Jesus Christ. This Table, then, is central to our gathering, to what it means to be the Church of Jesus Christ. As the Church of Jesus Christ, members of His body, we are utterly dependent upon our Head to give us what is needful to sustain our life in Him. And what is needful to sustain our life in Christ, is Christ Himself and all His benefits. And that is what is spread before you this morning in the bread and the wine. This is why we are we here!



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